Google has released its top trending searches for 2013.The top searched item was Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa. Number two was Paul Walker, star of the Fast and Furious, who was killed in a car crash earlier this month.

Technology proved a popular theme, with iPhone 5s coming in at number three, Samsung Galaxy s4 at number eight and PlayStation 4 at number nine.
科技也是人们关注的热点话题,例如苹果5s 抢占第三位,三星盖世系列s4列于第八位,索尼PlayStation 4 则紧随其后。

According to Google, “The ‘trending’ queries are the searches that had the highest amount of traffic over a sustained period in 2013 as compared to 2012.” Not surprisingly, the lists are dominated by searches for updates on breaking news events, especially the deaths of public figures, including Nelson Mandela, the former South African president and anti-apartheid icon, and entertainment stars like Paul Walker and Cory Monteith. The much-anticipated, yet mysterious, launch date of the iPhone 5s and due date of the Royal Baby also made the lists.
根据谷歌的统计,“和2012年相比,2013年的热门查询量是在某一段时间内飙升的。” 不出意料,人们对于爆炸性新闻的最新进展十分关切,也因此这个搜索排行榜被爆炸性新闻牢牢占据,尤其是公众人物的离世消息。这其中包括南非前总统及反种族隔离的斗士纳尔逊-曼德拉,影星保罗-沃克及科里-蒙蒂斯。此外还有万众期待同时也一直保持神秘的苹果5s的上市日期及英国凯特王妃的预产期。

Trending Searches

1. Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊·曼德拉   南非国父曼德拉去世>>>

2. Paul Walker 保罗·沃克  《速度与激情》男主角保罗·沃克去世>>>

3. iPhone 5s 苹果iPhone 5s 手机   iPhone 5S全球上市>>>

4. Cory Monteith 科里·蒙蒂斯   《欢乐合唱团》科里·蒙蒂思去世>>>

5. Harlem Shake 哈莱姆摇摆舞 YouTube 2013年度十大热门视频>>>

6. Boston Marathon 波士顿马拉松爆炸案    波士顿马拉松爆炸案详情>>>

7. Royal Baby 英国王室宝宝   凯特王妃生产>>>

8. Samsung Galaxy s4 三星盖世系列s4

9. PlayStation 4 索尼 PlayStation 4

10. North Korea 朝鲜