
A: This present some difficulties here.
B: The sentence of death holds.
A: But to defy the wished of the crowd is not wise, __1__.
B: He gave me grief, I would not see him free.
C: A solution, perhaps, if you're entertained, Legadus. The Thracian shows promise in the arena, even if it was men against lower Solonius. I have a batch of new recruits arriving tomorrow. If I can departure this man in addition to be trained in my ludis or gladiatorial lots. __2__ to the quarter moon.
A: __3__. And by such gain the favor you seek. What name is this man?
B: __4__.
C: The way he fights, like the legend of the Thracian king of old. __5__.
even for a senator By this condition I doubt he could survive We will be merciful I never cared to ask Spartacus he was called
A:这有点麻烦了。 B:死刑的判决不能更改。 A:违背民意不是明智之举,就算我是元老。 B:他罪大恶极,罪不可赦。 C:将军,我有个办法,不知是否可行。这色雷人在竞技场上表现出过人技艺,索罗尼斯的角斗士也不是对手。我有一批新人手明天会到。可以把这位也归入队伍,新人们会在角斗馆内集训。他目前这状况估计没多少日子了。 A:我们还是从宽处理为好。你们不也希望赢得百姓的拥戴吗。他叫什么名字? B:我从来无心过问。 C:他角斗的方式,正如关于古色雷斯王的传说。他叫斯巴达克斯。