全文听写~~ Hints: Wang Wei Harry 注意几处双引号"
This morning, all the people in the office are excited by a piece of good news. It comes from the office manager. According to the news, Wang Wei, the sales manager of the company, will be sent to America on business for a month. After that there will be a week holiday in New York. The office decides to have a party for Wang Wei after work. Harry, the only foreigner in the company, is going to plan the whole thing. Wang's friends would like to give him a big surprise, so they don't tell Wang anything about the party and just ask him to go to the restaurant after work. When Wang Wei finishes his work, he goes to the restaurant. But unluckily, at the second crossing, a bike knocks him down and hurts his leg. Wang Wei walks on because he doesn't want to miss the party. At the moment he opens the door, a big cake flies onto his face. And at the same time, friends all around shout, "Break your legs!" Wang Wei looks very surprised and asks, "How do you know that?"