Emily的复仇好戏,以房子的现任女主人Lydia在Victoria筹划的慈善筹备会上的出场开始。 450)=450"> Hints: "In with the new" Mrs. Grayson "Regrets" Victoria Van Gogh Michael Ashley Lydia 不同人说话换行即可 注:Michael是Lydia前夫,传言称其因为一位只有他一半年龄的女人离开了Lydia. Guys, have more fun!
The response to your "In with the new" memorial day party has been overwhelming, Mrs. Grayson. The party is at 90% capacity, and the "Regrets" Web site's already collected nearly $50,000 for everything from domestic violence prevention to cancer awareness. Some of these regrets wouldn't wipe their noses with $50,000, dear. If we're going to set a more generous tone for the summer, it's clear I'm going to have to do something fresh and provocative. So, I've decided to auction off a piece from my personal art collection. What a wild idea, Victoria. Well, I don't care how good the cause is, if you put up the Van Gogh that Michael and I gave you, I'll kill myself. The Van Gogh is off limits for sentimental reasons. Ashley, would you please add the new announcement to the web site, see if we can't drum up some more business? And ladies, thanks again. Lydia, we were all so sorry to hear about you and Michael this winter. You were one of those couples everyone roots for. I have no doubt.
大家对您这个“与时俱进”的纪念日派对反响很热烈,Grayson夫人。派对有90%的上座率,还有“悼念”网站网上已筹措到近5万资金以防患家庭暴力和提高癌症意识。 亲爱的,有的悼念人会用5万块来擦鼻涕。如果我们想让这个夏天更有慷慨的氛围,显然我们得做点新鲜刺激的事,所以我决定卖出一件我的私人艺术收藏。 多么疯狂的想法啊,Victoria. 我倒不在乎这事的动机有多好,如有你敢拍卖我和Michael送你的这幅梵高作品,我就死在你面前。 这幅梵高的感情抑郁太重大了。 Ashley,麻烦你把这个心通告放到网上,看我们能不能拉来更多的生意。女士们,再次感谢! Lydia,我们对这个冬天你和Michael的事感到抱歉,所有人都看好你们。 毋庸置疑。 ——译文来自: luyunlulu