全文听写~~作品的首字母都需大写如"The Spring" Hints: Ba Jin Chengdu Sichuan Province Southwest
Ba Jin, one of China's most famous writers, died in Shanghai at the age of 101. His most famous books include "The Family", "The Spring" and "The Autumn" and so on. In 1904, Ba Jin was born in an official family in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province in Southwest China. Ba Jin received education both in his hometown and Shanghai, and then went to France from 1927 to 1928. It was in France that Ba Jin started his literature career. His first novel, "Destruction", was a story of romance and revolution. He was best known for his trilogy "Torrent", "The Family", "The Spring" and "The Autumn".
巴金,中国最著名的作家之一,在101岁时死于上海,他最著名的书有“家”“春”“秋”等等。1904年,巴金出生于中国西南四川省的省会成都市的一个官宦之家。巴金在他的家乡和上海接受的教育。然后在1927年到1928年在法国留学。在法国时巴金开始了他的文学生涯。他的第一部长篇小说“毁灭”,讲述的是关于爱情罗曼史和革命的故事。他最著名的是他的三部曲“激流”“家”“春”“秋”。 ——译文来自: 1liyaming