"Falling Skies" just landed an Oscar and Golden Globe winner for Season 4.
Mira Sorvino is set for a multiple-episode guest-starring arc on TNT's popular alien invasion drama, the network announced on Monday (Oct. 21).
Sorvino will play Sara, a woman far removed from her former life as a graphic designer who is now dogged by death at every turn, yet she has never felt more alive, free or fearless. A chance encounter with guerrilla fighter John Pope (Colin Cunningham) leads her to join the resistance and develop a strong personal bond with the outlaw-turned-warrior.
Currently in production on its fourth season, "Falling Skies" is set for a summer 2014 return.

沪江娱乐快讯:凭借在Woody Allen的电影《Mighty Aphrodite》出色表现而获得奥斯卡最佳女配的Mira Sorvino,将客串《陨落星辰 Falling Skies》。Mira在《陨落星辰》将饰演一名在外星人入侵的这几年多次在死亡边缘挣扎的平面设计师Sara。跟John Pope将有很多对手戏。

Mira Sorvino于1967年9月28日出生于美国新泽西州富饶的特纳夫莱市郊,父亲保罗·索维诺是一位影星兼歌手,在美国娱乐界颇有知名度,母亲洛琳·戴维斯则是一名精神病治疗专家;此外,她还有一个名叫迈克尔的弟弟和一个名叫阿曼达的妹妹。尽管米拉很有学术研究的天赋,但是还是在早年的时候,她就对表演有着极大的兴趣。于1993年担任了影片《朋友之间》(Amongst Friends)的副导演和其中的一个角色。尽管这部影片很快就被人们淡忘了,但是米拉的出色表现却给观众们留下深刻的印象,而她也因此获得了更多的出演电影的机会。1994年,她出演了影片《巴塞罗纳》(Barcelona)和她的第一部好莱坞故事片《机智问答》(Quiz Show),使得她受到了人们更多的关注。此次的加盟相信会给大家带来些许惊喜。