iPhone 5C comes in 5 colors: blue, white, pink, yellow, green.
苹果发布的新机iPhone 5C有5种颜色可供选择:蓝色,白色,粉色,黄色和绿色。

北京时间9月11日凌晨,苹果公司的新品发布会上iPhone 5C 和iPhone 5S亮相,在这场亮点乏善可陈的发布会之后,彩色版的iPhone 5C成了重点吐槽对象。

【相关阅读】苹果发布会:iPhone5C和iPhone 5s>>>


Nokia tweeted this as Apple was announcing its new iPhones: “Imitation is the best form of flattery.”

【相关阅读】微软收购诺基亚 两CEO发联合公开信>>>


The iPhone 5C is one of two new iPhones Apple announced Tuesday. It will cost $99 for 16GB and $199 for 32GB, and it kind of looks like Crocs.
苹果发布了两款新机,其中一款就是彩色版iPhone 5C,16GB的价格为99美元,32GB的价格为199美元,样子有点像Crocs的休闲洞洞鞋啊。