

China completed a clean sweep of all four titles in the Olympic table tennis competition here Saturday, living up to the expectations of fans in the world's most populous country who view the sport as a matter of national pride.


Clean sweep 通常解释为“彻底扫除、清除”,如 to sweep the yard (把院子打扫干净);又如:When they reorganized the company, they made a clean sweep of all the holdovers.当他们重新改组公司时,撤换了所有的留用人员。

而在体育比赛中,clean sweep 可引申为“全胜、压倒性的胜利”。政界也借用 clean sweep 来表示在“压倒性的胜利”,请看例句:Now five seats belong to Democrats and three to the Republicans. Democrats hope to make a clean sweep of all eight this year. But the voters have different ideas so we'll have to wait and see.目前情况是五个席位属于民主党,三个属于共和党。民主党人盼望今年能席卷八个席位,取得全面胜利,但是选民却各有主见,所以选举前程未卜。究竟鹿死谁手还得等着瞧。