

Sarah Terenzi,以莎拉蔻娜(Sarah Connor)的名字更为知名(1980年1月13日-),知名畅销独声德国流行音乐歌手。莎拉于2000年代初期便在欧洲走红。21世纪的开端,芳龄23岁的莎拉·寇娜已经用甜美的嗓音,深入魂魄的音乐,甜美、带劲的节奏蓝调歌唱实力征服了欧洲乐坛,祖父赐予的新奥尔良的血统使她在幼年时期就受到全面的蓝调及灵魂乐的熏陶。2002年3月,Sarah Connor获颁德国乐坛最高荣耀的Echo音乐奖最佳流行摇滚女歌手大奖,稍后更勇夺Goldene Europe音乐奖最成功女歌手奖。




I remember when
I was a child and couldn't understand
people having fun
discriminating all the different ones
mama just used to say
when you grow up you maybe find a way
to make these people see
that everything I do comes back to me
you gotta live your life
through all the single ones to blame
you gotta live that life
just play the game and let love reign
it don't matter if you're black
white, or yellow, if you're brown or red
let's get down to that
love is color blind

