7th Anniversary of Coming

2008年8月9日下午, 沪江网七周年庆典将在位于世纪大道的紫金山大酒店紫金宴会厅正式拉开帷幕。届时,将有200位来自全国各地的沪友代表和嘉宾出席本次活动。庆典得到了英国总领事馆文化教育处及卡西欧(上海)贸易有限公司的大力支持。

The 7th anniversary ceremony of is going to be held in the Grand Ballroom of Purple Mountain Hotel (on the Century Avenue) on Aug 9, 2008. More than 200 netizens and special guests from all over the country will be present. The ceremony is pledged with full support from British Council and Casio Shanghai.

沪江网,原名沪江英语网,于2001年上线。历经7年发展,网站已由单一的英语教学社区,发展为集英语、日语、法语及多个小语种学习为一身的综合语言文化交流社区。近年来,沪江网更是推出了国内首个中英日三语在线词典—沪江小D,极大方便了全国语言学习者的在线学习。此外,沪江网以“语言*人生”为主题邀请著名媒体人/企业家靳羽西、新东方总裁俞敏洪、Follifollie中国区总裁谭雪晶、著名留英留英吉他演奏家杨雪霏,法国著名歌手Keren An,留德摄影家王小慧等各界名流作客,畅谈学习和成功经验,将语言学习推到了新的高度,也成就了新型的语言文化媒体。

Originally known as , YesHJ went live in 2001. After 7 years’ progress, the site has expanded from an English learning community to a multi-lingual & multi-cultural site that provides services in the learning of English, Japanese, French and some other languages. Over recent years, the team has developed the first tri-lingual (Chinese-English-Japanese) online dictionary, known as Little D, in China, which has greatly helped the online learners. Besides, with the theme “Language & Life”, has interviewed a number of international celebrities such as Yue-Sai Kan, Yu Minhong (New Oriental), Tan Xuejing (Follifollie China), Keren Ann, Wang Xiaohui, etc. sharing their successful experience. , thus, has brought language-learning to a new height, and has created a unique media that’s focused on much more than languages.