BEC《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书(第三版)》 节目每晚21:00更新 450)=450"> Hints: Jenny Maria Independent PR Système Fashion Fair L'Oreal 全文听写,英式拼法 :o)
Hey, Jenny, it's Maria. Have you seen the Independent's job pages today? There's an advert for a PR coordinator at Système. Système? Wasn't that the company on the stand next to us at last month's Fashion Fair? Yes, that's the one. They're looking for a PR coordinator. It sounds pretty good. You should apply! What are they asking for? A degree and two years experience in PR. So that's OK. You're a graduate, and you've been working here more than two years, haven't you? Yes, and I worked at L'Oreal before I came here. So your French is excellent, of course! Well, of course! What does the advert say about the actual job? Let's see...coordinating product launches...contacts with editors...writing articles for the media and planning PR strategies. Oh, and developing a website. What do you think? You could do all that!
嘿,Jenny,我是Maria。你今天有看独立日报的工作版面吗?有一则Système公司关于公共关系协调员的招聘广告。 Système?不就是上次时装展时在我们旁边展位的那家吗? 是的,就是那家。他们在招聘公共关系协调员。听起来不错。你可以去应聘下。 他们有什么要求? 学士学位和两年公共关系协调员工作经验。所以没问题,你已经毕业了,而且你在这也工作了两年以上,是不是? 是的,来这之前我还在欧莱雅工作过。 那你的法语肯定非常棒! 恩,那是当然。广告上有说具体工作内容吗? 我来看下,协调发布产品,和编辑联系,在媒体上发布文章,然后制定公共关系协调战略。哦,还有发展网站。你怎么看?那些事你应该都行。 o(〃'▽'〃)o水平有限,仅供参考,如有问题,欢迎提出。(etoxczzy)