XNDU3OTc3ODc2/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> J: Aria? Is that you? A: Jenna. J:      1    I was going to call you tonight. A: Why? J:     2    A: Oh. I'm a little rusty. J: Oh, it's an easy piece. Just a couple of rehearsals and we'd be good to go. So you want to come over tomorrow? A: I'd really love to, Jenna, but I'm helping my dad with this project he's doing.      3   
I thought I recognized the ringtone. I lost my accompanist for next week's assembly, and I thought of asking you to play with me. He's actually waving at me from across the street, so I really gotta go.
J: Aria?是你吗? A:Jenna J:我通过铃声认出你的,我昨天给你打电话了。 A:为什么 J: 下次音乐聚会我缺少搭档,我想邀请你做我的搭档。 A:哦,我已经生疏了。 J:哦,这很容易,只要排练几场我们就会做得很好。你明天过来吗? A:Jenna,我真的感兴趣,但是我要帮助我爸爸做项目设计。他现在正在街对面对我招手,我真的要走了。 ——译文来自: 闲时敲子落灯花