阿宝跟虎妞在执行任务的时候叙叙的在向虎妞讲他的白日梦 想知道是什么么我们一起来听听吧~ Hints:was... day -- epic march two -- one -- yet... Mr.Yang ruby -- it... what -- of the -- with -- Po mission -- Super --
The two legendary warriors strode bravely towards danger, cutting through the thick fog like it was...soup. Dangerous, evil soup. The two best friends had been through much that day -- an epic march, a treacherous scouting mission, the nearby shop being out of friendship bracelets, and one of the two -- unimportant, which one -- refusing to wear them anyway. But they were about to face their most fearsome part yet... Mr.Yang. They must pay Mr.Yang, the grumpy statue cleaner and return with their prize, Shifu's favourite ruby -- encrusted statue of Wugui, which had grown dirty from the fearsome assault of time and dust and dried rice bits dropped on it...accidentally. And with great pomp, the processional proceeded to progress. Never before had such a magnificent caravan of awesomeness trekked through these hinterlands of what -- of the -- with -- what's the word? Po! No, that's not it. Po, you're doing it again. Quit daydreaming out loud. Well, I wouldn't do it if you'd just talk to me a little. Po, we're on a mission. Okay. Okay, then. Just mission -- critical stuff. Super -- important mission stuff. Fine.
盖世英雄二人组 一路上不畏艰险 奋勇前行 挥剑斩浓雾就像是劈开了一碗浓汤 一碗穷凶极恶的浓汤 二位好朋友正所谓是历尽九九八十一难 漫漫侦探路 迢迢穷恶途 更甚的是附近商店里的友谊手环还脱销了 尽管还有人不愿意戴 当然这人是谁不重要 但是他们将要面对的是最凶险的环节——羊先生 羊先生思密达 雕像清理师是也 脾气暴躁 变幻莫测 必须付予重金才能换得珍宝归——用师父最爱的红宝石镶嵌的乌龟大师的雕像 乌龟师父对我们的爱情深意切 无情的岁月斑驳了他的雕像 嗯呃..还有上面粘着几粒饭粒 呃 瓦不是故意的。。。>< 在万众瞩目下 英雄们朝着成功进发 勇者如斯 不畏艰险 光芒四射~~~ 不舍..不舍... 那个词儿是什么来着~ 阿宝! 不不不 不是阿宝~ 哦阿宝你又来了~! 做白日梦不要这么大声~ 嗯哼 如果你肯搭理我一下的话 我也不会这么无聊 阿宝啊!我们在做任务好不好? 那好吧 嗯哼 那就只谈跟任务有关的话题 至关重要的话题 哦好吧 By: 灌心饼干