Beckett:Does this look familiar to anyone? Esposito:No, but _____(1)_____ freaky ones. Just give me a 'Jack shot Jill over bill'. So I can get my collar and go home. Beckett:Oh, but the_____(2)_____ones require more. They reveal more. Look at how he left her, covered _____(3)_____. Ryan:So? Beckett:_____(4)_____, all of the preparation, you won't find any evidence of sexual abuse. Esposito:You really get that from just this? Beckett:This, plus, I've seen this before. Ryan:You've seen it before? Where? Beckett:Roses on her body, _____(5)_____?…Don't you guys read?
I'm not the one with a thing for freaky modestly So despite all of the effort sunflowers on her eyes