450)=450"> <听写方式: 根据提示,听写短文> Hints:jukebox Trenton nickel Sasquatch <友情提示> 若页面过长造成听写不便,在听写框的右上角点击“弹出答题纸”即可。 【听写回顾】点击回顾上一期听写? 最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D
Yeah,I agree with Ted.In a real relationship,you share everything. That's why Marshall and I don't keep any secrets. You are such a cutie pie.Here's a quarter.Go play a song on the jukebox. No,it's true.They tell each other everything. I can think of tons of things,there's no way Marshall's told you. Try me. Do you know about the time Marshall was in Trenton? Donkey ate his pants.Yup. Bill's bachelor party in Memphis? Oh,when they had to pump out all the nickels from his stomach? Okay.Seattle. Trick question.Marshall's never been to the Pacific Northwest because he's afraid of Sasquatch. Damn,you're good. I'm not afraid of Sasquatch,I just think we should all be on alert. Trust me.Not only do they tell each other everything,they want to know everything. So after the shower I was brushing my teeth.And I was like,"Oh, man!I wanted to have some orange juice.I should have done that first."But I already had the toothpaste on the toothbrush.So I just went ahead and brushed them anyway. What happened next?
我同意泰德的观点. 在真正的交往中,应该无所保留,所以我和马修之间从来不保留秘密 你真是个天真的小孩 这有枚硬币... 去自动点唱机唱首歌玩 他们说的是真的,他们把所有事都告诉对方了 我能抖出一箩筐事,那是马修绝对不可能告诉你的 那你来试试 你知道马修在切尔敦有过什么事么? 有头驴扒掉了他的裤子 在孟菲斯比尔的单身汉聚会上呢? 就是那次大家不得不用泵把他胃里的镍币吸出来的时候? 你真可以...在西雅图? 少蒙人了!马修从没去过西海岸,因为他害怕雪怪 该死,你都对了 我不是害怕雪怪,而是我觉得应该随时保持警惕 相信我,他们不仅知道对方的事他们什么八卦都不放过 淋浴后我开始刷牙,但突然想起...天哪,我本打算来点橘子汁的,应该先喝了再刷牙,但我已经把牙膏挤在牙刷上了,所以我就不管了,先刷了再说... 接下来怎么样了?