BEC《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书(第三版)》 节目每晚21:00更新 450)=450"> Hints: Marek Polish Poland Internet 00:22处接被打断话用省略号,后面单词首字母小写,当然,前面被打断的后面也要加省略号o(*≧▽≦)ツ 1:09处为破折号 全文听写,英式拼法 :o)
This is the fourth emergency meeting today. Is there anything that's not an emergency in this company? Look, I'm sorry about this, but it's a real problem. I just got a call from Marek, and... Who is Marek? He's our Polish plant manager. ...and they've been hit by a hurricane. In Poland? I didn't know they had hurricanes in Poland! No, I know. Anyway, the roof has blown off and the electricity and telephones are down. Marek was calling from his mobile, but he said it took hours to get through and the communication was pretty bad! Was anybody hurt? Apparently not. But the workers on the night shift were evacuated. Any damage to the machinery? I have no idea. Marek sounded pretty worried. It will take some time to assess the damage. No electricity or phones -- so, no Internet. They're completely cut off.
这已经是今天的第四次紧急会议了。这个公司还有非紧急事件吗? 好吧,我很抱歉,但这次的确很紧急。我刚接到Marek的电话……(被下面这位打断) 谁是Marek? 他是我们波兰公司的经理。 (接被打断的话)他们那边受到了飓风袭击。 在波兰?我怎么没听说波兰有飓风? 我知道有。总之,房顶被吹飞了,电和电话都断了。Marek用他的移动电话打过来的,但是他说用了好几个小时才接通的电话并且通讯情况非常糟糕。 有人受伤了吗? 应该没有。不过晚班的工人都已经撤离了。 设备有损坏吗? 我还不清楚。Marek应该很着急。还需要一些时间来估算损坏情况。 没有电或电话,那显然也没有网络。他们被完全隔离了。 o(〃'▽'〃)o水平有限,仅供参考,如有问题,欢迎提出。(etoxczzy)