BEC《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书(第三版)》 节目每晚21:00更新 450)=450"> Hints: Fiji Nautilus Anemone Dubai Atlantis 01:03 有一处分号 全文听写,英式拼法 :o)
I understand you've just opened a new hotel in Fiji. Yes, that's right, the Nautilus opened a month ago. One night there costs $1,360 per person. There are 78 double rooms, so the hotel can accommodate up to 156 guests. And there's a theatre with live shows every night. The hotels are both under water. But exactly how far down are they? Well, the Anemone is ten metres below the surface of the water, and the Nautilus is 14 metres below. And how much did the hotels cost to build? The Anemone cost $47 million and the Nautilus $190 million. And your next hotel? Where is that going to be? In Dubai. Building started 18 months ago. It's going to open early next year. This is a larger project than the other two; the Atlantis will have 160 double rooms and it will be at a depth of 23 metres below the surface. The cost of the construction is estimated at $520 million. So, how much will a night in the Atlantis cost? We expect to charge about $1,900 per person per night. Well, that does indeed sound like a very exclusive hotel. Thank you for coming to talk to us.
我了解到你们在斐济也开了一家新酒店。 是的,是一个月前刚刚营业的“鹦鹉螺”,每晚每人1360美元。“鹦鹉螺”有78间双人房,所以能接待156位客人。而且那里还有一个剧院,每晚都有现场表演。 这些酒店都在水下,不过到底有多深呢? 哦,银莲花在水下10米,鹦鹉螺则在水下14米。 那你们建造酒店花费了多少呢? 银莲花耗费了4700万美元,鹦鹉螺花费了1.9亿美元。 你们下一个酒店会建在哪里呢? 在迪拜,18个月前就开始建造了,明年年初就能对外营业了。这个工程比前两个大得多,“亚特兰蒂斯”将有160间双人房,而且会建在水下23米的地方,建造费用估计是5.2亿美元。 那么,在“亚特兰蒂斯”住一晚要花费多少呢? 我们的预期价格是每晚每人1900美元。 哦,那听起来的确是一家尊贵独特的酒店。谢谢您和我们分享这些。 (shoellen)