Hints: 本期学习的字源:ple, plic=fold折叠,重叠 duplicate只需聽寫一次 attaché 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
complicated pleat She's wearing a blouse and a pleated skirt today. perplexing Can you show me how to set up the machine? I find the instructions most perplexing. triple They live in a large mansion, with a triple garage. quadruplet Artificial insemination sometimes produces triplets or even quadruplets. duplicate This is a duplicate of the contract. The original is kept in the safe. explicit Why did you do it when I had given you explicit warning not to? implicate This diplomatic attaché is implicated in espionage. implicit The two nations have an implicit agreement not to raise the territorial issue in the near future.
She's wearing a blouse and a pleated skirt today. 她今天穿了一件衬衫和一条百褶裙。 Can you show me how to set up the machine? I find the instructions most perplexing. 请教我如何安装这台机器好吗?我觉得说明书太令人困惑了。 They live in a large mansion, with a triple garage. 他们住的是一栋豪宅,有个能停三部车的车库。 Artificial insemination sometimes produces triplets or even quadruplets. 人工授精有时会产生三胞胎,甚至四胞胎。 This is a duplicate of the contract. The original is kept in the safe. 这是合约的副本,原件保存在保险箱里。 Why did you do it when I had given you explicit warning not to? 我明明白白警告过你,为什么你还要做? This diplomatic attaché is implicated in espionage. 这位外交随从人员涉及间谍案。 The two nations have an implicit agreement not to raise the territorial issue in the near future. 这两国达成默契,近期内不提领土问题。