内容简介: 虽然早期的火车是作为一种运输货物的交通工具的,但后来人们认识到了它经济快捷的优点,越来越多的人出行也选择了乘坐火车。同时交通的发达也带动了旅游业的发展,促进了相关行业的就业。 Hints: Victorian Times 10以下的数字请用英文写出
The success of early railways such as the lines between big cities led to a great increase in railway building in Victorian Times. Between 1835 and 1865 about 25,000 kilometers of tracks were built. And over 199 railway companies were created. Railway travel transformed people's lives. Trains were first designed to carry goods. However, a law in the 19th century forced railway companies to run one cheap train a day, which stopped at every station and cost only a penny a mile. Soon, working class passengers found they could afford to travel by rail. Cheap day excursion trains became popular and seaside resorts grew rapidly. The railways also provided thousands of new jobs, building carriages, running the railways and repairing the tracks. Railways even changed the time. The need to run the railways on time meant that local time was abolished and clocks showed the same time all over the country.