BEC《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书(第三版)》 节目每晚21:00更新 450)=450"> Hints: Business Centre Christine Internet Madam 全文听写,英式拼法 :o)
Are you ready to order, sir? No, I just can't decide. What would you recommend? Well, would you prefer meat or fish? I don't really want meat or fish today. I'd like some vegetables. Then maybe you would like to try our dish of the day. It's made with local organic vegetables. Yes, that sounds nice. And a glass of red wine, please. Hello, Business Centre. This is Christine speaking. How may I help you? I'm in the main conference room and I've got a bit of a problem. What is the problem exactly? Well, I've connected my computer to the video projector, and the Internet also seems to be working, but at this speed I won't be able to give my presentation. I need a faster connection. I'll call the technician, Madam. Thank you. And ask him to come immediately. I'm getting nervous. I'll get him to come as soon as possible.
先生,您想好点什么了吗? 没有,我不知道选什么。你有什么推荐吗? 哦,您喜欢肉类还是鱼类? 我今天不是很想吃肉和鱼类,我想吃点蔬菜。 那您可以尝一下我们今天的特色菜,食材是用本地有机蔬菜。 好吧,听起来不错,再来一杯红酒,谢谢。 您好,这里是商务中心,我是克里斯汀。请问需要什么帮助? 我现在在主会议室,不过出了点问题。 具体是什么问题呢? 哦,我把电脑连到投影仪上了,网络似乎运作正常,但是这种速度我没法演讲,我需要快一些的连接速度。 夫人,我和技术人员联系一下。 谢谢,请叫他马上过来,我很着急。 我会让他尽快赶来的。 (shoellen)