Hints: 本期学习的字源:dur=last,hard持续,强硬 Khaki Jane George Washington Scrooge A Christmas Carol 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
during durable Khaki is a durable fabric that is widely used for uniforms. duration The teacher asked her students to remain attentive for the duration of the class. duress A contract signed under duress is invalid. endure How can Jane, a proud woman herself, endure the overbearing ways of her husband? enduring By willingly leaving the presidency after two terms, George Washington made an enduring contribution to his country. obdurate Scrooge, the obdurate miser in A Christmas Carol, is finally moved by the Christmas spirit to acts fo charity.
Khaki is a durable fabric that is widely used for uniforms. 卡其布是很耐久的布料,广泛用来制作制服。 The teacher asked her students to remain attentive for the duration of the class. 老师要求她的学生在上课时间要保持专心。 A contract signed under duress is invalid. 在胁迫之下签的合同无效。 How can Jane, a proud woman herself, endure the overbearing ways of her husband? 珍妮自己是个骄傲的女人,怎么能忍受她丈夫嚣张的作风? By willingly leaving the presidency after two terms, George Washington made an enduring contribution to his country. 乔治·华盛顿当了两任总统后就欣然退位了,这对美国是历久不衰的贡献。 Scrooge, the obdurate miser in A Christmas Carol, is finally moved by the Christmas spirit to acts fo charity. 斯克鲁奇是《小气财神》里的顽固吝啬鬼,最后被圣诞节精灵感动而做出善举。