XNDU3MjQwNjI0/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> A: So, we're on for tonight.      1    E: Good, 'cause we really gotta talk about that interview. I need to get back to Shaffer tomorrow at the latest. A: Yeah, we'll talk about it. I know this is a huge opportunity for you. E: No, that's not what matters.      2    A: Yeah, well, maybe he should just move to New Orleans.      3    E: I do. There's this tiny, hole in the wall vegan place that just opened up, center city. A: Wait, a restaurant? E: Lower your expectations.      4    A: Oh, so it's bigger than your apartment. What's it called? E: Chez Mirabelle Vegan Bistro. A: French food? Wow, you must really like me. E: Aria, it's French vegan food. I must really love you.
I worked things out on my end. It's what your dad thinks if I don't take it. We should have this conversation face to face, but I just don't really know where. It seats two.