Hints: 本期学习的字源:forc, fort=strong强 Achilles' heel Fort Lauderdale 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
comfortable forcibly Many aboriginal tribes were forcibly removed from their lands when settlers came to the island. enforce It is the job of the police to enforce the law. reinforcement One policeman watched over the hoodlums while another called for reinforcements. unenforceable The new law is criticized as being well-intentioned but unenforceable. forte Math is my forte but English is my Achilles' heel. fortification The commander gave orders that stronger fortifications be built around the bunker. fortify This baby formula contains milk fortified with vitamins and minerals. fortitude The president is looked up to by his countrymen as a man of fortitude, discipline and integrity. fortress Fort Lauderdale was once a military fortress, but has long since developed into a thriving city. discomfort To see natural beauty with your own eyes, you may have to put up with some physical discomfort. effortlessly His wife did not have the strength to twist open the jar but he did it effortlessly.
Many aboriginal tribes were forcibly removed from their lands when settlers came to the island. 许多原住民都在开拓者来到岛上后被武力驱逐出他们的土地。 It is the job of the police to enforce the law. 执行法律是警察的职责。 One policeman watched over the hoodlums while another called for reinforcements. 一位警员看守这些流氓,另一位则请求支援。 The new law is criticized as being well-intentioned but unenforceable. 这条新法律被批评为立意很好但无法执行。 Math is my forte but English is my Achilles' heel. 数学是我的专长,但英文却是我的致命伤。 The commander gave orders that stronger fortifications be built around the bunker. 指挥官下令碉堡四周还要再加强防御工事。 This baby formula contains milk fortified with vitamins and minerals. 这是含有维生素和矿物质的婴儿强化奶粉。 The president is looked up to by his countrymen as a man of fortitude, discipline and integrity. 总统受到国人的尊敬,被认为是有毅力,能自律,有操守的人。 Fort Lauderdale was once a military fortress, but has long since developed into a thriving city. 劳德岱堡以前是军事要塞,但现在早已发展成繁荣的城市。 To see natural beauty with your own eyes, you may have to put up with some physical discomfort. 要亲眼目睹自然美景,可能要忍受一些身体上的不适。 His wife did not have the strength to twist open the jar but he did it effortlessly. 他太太没有力气打开罐子,他却毫不费力地打开了。