XNDU3MjA5Mzk2/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> H: I don't get it.      1    Why would you ruin that? C: I didn't think you'd find out. H: Wow. Wrong answer. C: Just let me finish, okay? I didn't think you'd find out until I solved whatever it is you guys are trying to solve. H: I don't need that.      2    C: Hanna, I know that you were trying to protect me, but I was worried about you. H: You're not the only one I'm trying to protect, Caleb. Last year, it was really bad for me and my mom. C: What do you mean? H:      3    C: What's broke? It might mean something completely different for you than it does to me. H: We almost lost our house.      4    C: Do you still need... H: No. That's not why I'm telling you. My mom didn't borrow money from the bank. She stole it. I've never told anyone that, not even my friends. C: Thank you for trusting me. I promise I won't tell anybody. H: But someone else knows.      5    C: Who? Who? Is it Jenna? H: I don't know who it is. But it's their phone that you're working on.
You knew how long it took me to trust you again. I needed you not to go behind my back. No one really even knew because I was still wearing the same clothes and driving the same car, but we were totally broke. My mom got money from the bank to tide us over. And they're holding it over me.