450)=450"> 经济学课上,同学们按照老师安排分组讨论自己感兴趣的话题。童鞋们来听写吧,你们的讨论课上是否也是如此热闹呢,一起来感受吧! ❤听写方式:听写全部音频内容。其中对话无需写姓名,换人直接换行即可。 Hints: 1/3
Well, I think what happened is that there have been some problems with the local economy lately and people feel they have less and less spending money these days. When things get like that, people are going to buy cheaper stuff, cheaper food, cheaper clothes. They don't think about political or environmental things anymore. So they started losing money and had to reduce their size to try to deal with it all. They cut about 1/3 of the jobs they had in their retail and manufacturing operations. Interesting, I think this could be a great topic because it will be relevant to the lives of the people in the class. I feel that economic issues can be so, abstract, you know, all theory and not about actual people, but this could be a nice balance to that. We could do a case study on this particular company, you know, research similar cases, find out exactly what happened in this case. That's a good idea. Maybe we can even get interviews with some of the people who lost their jobs. Find out if they found new jobs, where they are working now. We could find out if the people who lost their jobs buy local products themselves.