XNDU3MjAyNjc2/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> C: Hey. H: Hey, I've been worried about you. C: Yeah, me too. What the hell is this? H: What do you mean? C:      1    This is about Alison Delaurentis's murder, isn't it? H: It's complicated. C: Yeah, I can tell. Hanna, why are you and your friends looking into a crime that somebody's already confessed to? Do you think somebody else killed her, somebody in this video? H: Caleb... C:      2    H:      3    C: Hey, I can protect you. You just, you gotta tell me. H: I can't tell you. C: Why? Because I can't handle it? H: Because I can't handle it. I'm afraid. C: I told you, I can protect you. H: No, I'm afraid for you. You just gotta stop working on these videos, all right? They're dangerous. C:      4    H: What are you talking about? C: I was working on this today at the cafe, and I looked up, and officer Garrett was sitting two tables away. What are you-- hey! Hanna, Hanna! What the hell! I spent hours on that. H: Look, I don't care.      5   
I decoded another segment. No, just tell me what these videos are all about and stop making me imagine the worst. Whatever you imagine isn't as bad as it really is. I get that, especially since the people that we're talking about are in this town, watching me. You are out of the phone tech business, as of now.
1.我解读了另外一部分的内容。 2.不要说了,就告诉我这些影像的内容,让我不再把情况想的更糟。 3.不管你怎么想,它并没有那么糟糕。 4.我明白,尤其是自从我们在镇上谈论的那些人看着我开始。 5.从现在起,你别管电话技术这事了。 ——译文来自: 花香洒满天