XNDU3MjAwOTA4/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> T: Jenna? J: Why'd you go back to that house? You were never supposed to go back, Toby. It is not safe with those girls, with Spencer-- T: Don't talk about her.      1    J: You need to be stronger. T: I don't want any advice from you. J:      2    T: Spencer. J:      3    You'll never be at peace. She's haunted, Toby. I know a little bit about that. T: You shouldn't be here. J:      4    We're family whether you like it or not.
Don't mention her name. Who else is there that knows you as well as I do, that cares about you as much as I do? You know you'll never be happy with her. I'm the only person who should be here.