Hints: 本期学习的字源:circum, cycl=around, circle 外围、圆 Magellan Taiwanese Mainland China Taipei City 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
bicycle circumcise Male infants are often circumcised soon after birth to spare them trouble later on. circumference Using the slightly different angles of the sun from different places, ancient Egyptians accurately calculated the circumference of the globe. circumlocution The verbose style results from a heavy dose of circumlocution in the writing. circumnavigate Magellan led the first ship that circumnavigated the globe. circumscribe Individual liberty is circumscribed in totalitarian countries. circumspect Antelopes grazing on the plain exhibit circumspect behavior. circumstance Under extreme circumstances, a dog can survive for over a week on nothing but water. circumvent Many Taiwanese businessmen circumvented government regulations and went ahead to invest in Mainland China when it was not yet legal to do so. circuit The electrician examined the circuit and found a bad connection. circuitous He went home by a circuitous route so that he could stop by the supermarket. circulatory The heart is a circulatory organ. encircle A wall used to encircle Taipei City. cycle An insect passes through various forms in its life cycle. cyclic Experts are debating whether the current depression is cyclic or structural in nature. cyclone Typhoons and tornadoes are various forms of cyclones. recycle Recycled paper, if not bleached, looks yellowish.
Male infants are often circumcised soon after birth to spare them trouble later on. 男婴出生不久后常额掉包皮,以免日后麻烦。 Using the slightly different angles of the sun from different places, ancient Egyptians accurately calculated the circumference of the globe. 埃及人利用不同地方阳光射入角度的微小差别,精确计算出地球的周长。 The verbose style results from a heavy dose of circumlocution in the writing. 这篇文章充斥着啰嗦的废话,所以风格显得累赘。 Magellan led the first ship that circumnavigated the globe. 麦哲伦率领第一艘环游地球一周的船。 Individual liberty is circumscribed in totalitarian countries. 极权国家限制个人自由。 Antelopes grazing on the plain exhibit circumspect behavior. 在草原上吃草的羚羊表现出谨慎的行为。 Under extreme circumstances, a dog can survive for over a week on nothing but water. 在非常的情况下,狗不吃东西只喝水也能存活一个星期。 Many Taiwanese businessmen circumvented government regulations and went ahead to invest in Mainland China when it was not yet legal to do so. 许多台商规避政府规定,在尚未合法是就前往中国大陆投资。 The electrician examined the circuit and found a bad connection. 电工检查了电路,发现是接触不良。 He went home by a circuitous route so that he could stop by the supermarket. 他为了要去超市而走迂回的路回家。 The heart is a circulatory organ. 心脏是循环器官。 A wall used to encircle Taipei City. 台北市旧时有城墙包围。 An insect passes through various forms in its life cycle. 昆虫在其生命周期中会转换成好几种形态。 Experts are debating whether the current depression is cyclic or structural in nature. 专家对于当前的经济萧条是周期性的还是结构性的仍有争议。 Typhoons and tornadoes are various forms of cyclones. 台风和龙卷风都是飓风的一种。 Recycled paper, if not bleached, looks yellowish. 没有漂白过的再生纸看起来带点黄色。