XNDU3MTkwNDI0/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> Z: Can I help you? S: I'm not sure.      1    She was a patient here. Her name's Jenna Marshall. Z:      2    S: I don't need her medical information. I just know that she went to a school for the blind in Philadelphia, so I thought it might be this one. Z:      3    Something else I can help you with? S: No. I guess that's it.
I've been away for a few years, and I was just trying to locate a former friend of mine. Patient records are confidential. I can't even tell you which chair she used to sit in.
z: 请问有什么可以帮到您的吗? s: 我不太确定。我离开了几年,一直在在找以前的一个朋友。她曾经在这里看过病。她叫珍娜·马歇尔。 z: 病人的记录是保密的。 s: 我不需要她的病案信息。我刚刚得知她到了费城的一所盲人学校上学。所以我想那应该是这个朋友。 z: 我连她过去坐过哪把椅子都无法告知。还有别的事情可以帮忙吗? s: 没有了,我猜结果会是那样。 ——译文来自: 王雅磊