450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Library Reserve Section [/color]
We have the self-access language centre. It's on the second floor, directly opposite the reference section of the Library, next to the micro-lab, in the self-access centre. The Library also provides access to information stored in computer data banks in Europe and the United States. Other materials which are kept by the Library and which you will be able to consult are copies of these and dissertations completed by Bradford students, past examination papers, newspapers and pamphlets. All these are in our Reserve Section, opposite the computer room on the second floor as well. The proliferation of books, periodicals, and all the other forms of information available through the Library makes the keys to this information an essential part of the Library's services. The Library maintains a catalogue of its own books and a printed list of its periodicals. It takes most of the important abstracting journals, and has a collection of bibiographies and guides to the literature of various subjects. There is a computerised information service, known as Libine, which provides information on the library and its services and which can be accessed both in the library and via the university's computer network.