450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS PhD DLitt LLD [/color]
At one time these degrees were awarded only for the completion of research work, but over the past 20 years or so a large number of additional Master degrees have been introduced which combine a quite small piece of research with a substantial amount of course work on which the student is examined. The PhD, the most prestigious research degree, is on the other hand only awarded for a piece of research which shows great depth and considerable originality. It is expected to make a significant contribution to our knowledge of and understanding of a problem. It usually involves at least four years full-time research. Thirdly, and least commonly, there are the honorarily degrees. These are, for example, the DLitt or Doctor of Letters, Doctor Litterarum, if you want it in the original Latin, the DSc or Doctor of Science, and the LLD or Doctor of Laws. These awards may be, in fact often are, awarded to people who never been to University at all. They are very often in fact given to people who have distinguished themselves in some field of non-academic activity outside. Thus the University may wish to honour a famous writer by giving him a DLit or a famous politician by giving him or her an LLD. That's all I want to talk about today. Are there any questions?
曾经,这三个硕士学位只授予给研究型课程,但在过去的二十年甚至更长的时间,大量的新增额外硕士学位被介绍到学院,这些硕士课程包括少量的研究型课程和大量的授课课程,授课课程需要学生的考试。博士学位,是研究型课程最有声望的,但在另一方面,博士学位最初只授予给一部分研究型硕士,以显示其学位的深度和其独创性。博士学位希望能给我们的知识和理解问题的能力上有重要的贡献。它通常包括至少四年全职研究课程。 第三,通常会有荣誉学位。例如,文学博士,如果你对拉丁起源感兴趣,那么理学博士和法律博士都合适。这些奖项,事实上,通常会颁发给从来没有上大学的人。它们通常会授予给那些在一些非学术领域活动中受人注目的人。因此,大学会授予著名作家文学博士学位,或者是著名政治家法学博士学位。这就是我今天想要说的。大家有什么问题吗? ——By lsy34