沪江英乐: 此视频乃以张国荣主演的1980年香港之声制作电影《岁月山河:我家的女人》(1980.04.17 香港首播) 之86张光影,于2009年编辑而成。Just the Way You Are 眼前的你,收录于1978年张国荣首张个人专辑大碟《Daydreamin'》,香港宝丽多唱片公司发行。当时的张国荣的声线,虽尚未展现1983年的宽润,但是音色格外清纯。

【张国荣主演电影插曲Just The Way You Are:你就是本来的自己】


Don't you changing to cry and please me
You never let me down before
Don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times

I'll take you just the way you are
Don't go trying some new fushion
Don't change the color of your hair
You always have my unspoken passion
Althought I might not seem to care

I don't want clever conversation
I never want to work that hard
I just want someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are
I need to know that you will always be

The same old someone that I knew
What will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you
I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could hot love you any better
I love you just the way you are