450)=450"> [color=#8F4586]BEC VANTAGE 听力训练,希望对备考的同学们有所帮助。 全文听写,英式拼法[/color] 情景商务英语每日19点更新,BEC中级每日9点更新。 450)=450"> 上一期BEC中级: 【BEC中级】有关新供应商的情况(4/4) 450)=450"> 上一期商务英语播客:【商务英语播客】018 提问与回答(二)1/2 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。 HINTS Max Jacobs Merland Healthcare agates (all one word) at howarth-dot-com H-O-W-A-R-T-H Alison Gates
Hello. This is a message for Max Jacobs. It's Alison Gates from Merland Healthcare calling. We're currently working on a website for our healthcare products and we're looking for a company like yours to develop a database for us. But the reason I'm contacting you is that I spoke to one of our suppliers and he was very positive about the work you'd done for him. I'd be very glad if you could contact me. I'm away all next week but I'll still be able to access my emails - the best thing would be for you to email me at, agates (all one word) at howarth-dot-com. 'Howarth' spelt H-O-W-A-R-T-H, then dot-com. If you are interested, the best thing would be for us to meet. It would also be useful for you to talk to our IT co-ordinator at the same time. So if you could indicate your availability over the next few weeks, that'd be good. I look forward to hearing from you. Goodbye.
你好,这是给Max Jacobs的留言。这是Alison Gates在Merland Healthccare打来的电话。我们在网上销售我们的保健产品,我们正在寻找像你们一样的公司来帮我们建立一个数据库。我之所以联系你是因为我跟我们一个供应商谈过,他对你们之前为他做的工作非常满意。 如果你能联系我,我会非常高兴。我下周会休假,但我会查收邮件,因此你可以通过邮件联系我,邮箱地址是agates@ 如果你对我们的业务感兴趣,最好我们能够见个面。同时,你也可以跟我们的信息技术协调员交流。如果在接下来的几周内,你能告诉我们你们的优势,那更好了。期待你们的回复。拜拜。 ——By lsy34