450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
agony He has suffered agonies from his broken arm. desolate I was very desolate when my mother died last year. everlasting We do not want to be involved in any war, we wish for everlasting peace. excess Passengers must pay for excess baggage on an airplane. gross The gross weight of the sack of flour is more than the net weight of the flour alone. idiot He is intelligent, but sometimes he behaves like an idiot. infinite Teaching little children usually requires infinite patience. integrate The committee will try to integrate the different ideas into one uniform plan. liable He stated that he was not liable for his wife's debts. You are liable to catch a cold if you go out without an overcoat. miscellaneous The boy had a miscellaneous collection of stamps, stones, and many other things. revenue The government got much revenue from taxes last year. trifling The friends treated their quarrel as only a trifling matter.
agony n.痛苦 他一直为断臂所苦。 desolate adj.孤独的 母亲去年过世时,我非常孤独。 everlasting adj.永久的 我们不希望被卷入战争;我们期待永久的和平。 excess n.超过 飞机乘客必须为超过限量的行李付款。 gross adj.总体 面粉袋的总重量超过了面粉的净重量。 idiot n.白痴 他很聪明,但有时举止像是个白痴。 infinite adj.无限的;极大的 教小孩通常需要极大的耐心。 integrate v.综合 委员就将试着综合不同的意见,以达成一致的计划。 liable adj.1.有责任的 2.易于....的 他陈述说他没有责任为妻子偿还债款。 如果你外出时没穿大衣,就容易感冒。 miscellaneous adj.各种的 这男孩收集了各种邮票、石头和许多其他的东西。 revenue n.岁入 政府去年通过税收获得了大量岁入。 trifling adj.微小的 朋友们视彼此间的争吵为无关紧要之事。