Vanilla wanted to be rich. Who wanted to be rich? Vanilla, Vanilla wanted to be rich. Who was Vanilla? Vanilla was a beautiful, intelligent woman. What kind of woman was Vanilla? She was a beautiful, intelligent woman. And what did she want? She wanted to be rich. She said “Show me the money.” What did she say? She said “Show me the money.”
Vanilla想要变得富有。 谁想要变得富有? Vanilla。Vanilla想变得富有。 谁是Vanilla? Vanilla是一个美丽而有智慧的女人。 Vanilla是一个怎样的女人? 她是一个美丽而有智慧的女人。 她想要做什么? 她想要变得富有! 她说“我要钱!” 她说什么? 她说“我要钱!” ——译文来自: 浅妍