【能量英语】19 运动身体,听英语
Now another important point. You want to move your body while you’re listening to the lessons. This will keep your energy high. So, what do I mean by that? Well, a really easy way to do this is just to walk. You’ve got an iPod, you’ve got your earphones in, listen to the lessons while you go for a walk. You can do two things at one time. You exercise, you improve your body and you listen to English lessons and improve your mind at the same time.
现在,有另外一个重要的观点。当你在听课时,你想移动你的身体。这样能够使你精力充沛。所以,我到底想说什么呢?其实,有一个真的非常简单的方法就是走。你已经有iPod,你戴着你的耳机,当你在一边散步时还可以一边听课。你可以在同一个时间做两件事。你练习了,你就可以在同一个时间,提高你的身体素质,同时听英语课程还可以提高你的思维。 ——译文来自: 幸吇