学习英语80%的成功要素来自自我。 你相信吗?
And the reason that we’re going to talk about this in these lessons is that in my experience, most English students struggle and fail because of psychology, not because of methods, not because of teachers. Those things are important, but Tony Robbins talks about the fact that psychology is 80% of success. And I think he’s right, based on my experience with many, many English students. Psychology is 80% of success, so 20% are the methods you use to study. 20% are the schools you go to, the teachers you have, the books you use. Those are important, we talk a lot about them. But the other 80% is psychology, your motivation, your emotions, how you manage your time. All of these things are in fact much, much more important.
那么我们将在这些课程当中讨论的是:根据我的经验所知,绝大多数英语学生的艰难和失败是因为心理而不是方法或者老师。那些固然重要,但是Tony Robbins谈论到事实是成功的80%是心理。基于我对于许多英语学生的经验,我认为他是正确的。既然成功的80%是心理,那么20%就是你学习的方式。20%是你去的学校,你拥有的老师,你使用的书本。那些是重要的,我们谈论了很多。但是另外的80%是心理,你的积极性,你的情绪,你如何分配你的时间。事实上所有这些事情都是非常非常重要的。 ——译文来自: anye1015