节目采用张红岩编著的《词以类记—TOEFL iBT词汇》,只听写英文单词,听完一个单词回车另起一行听写下一个单词,句子和中文不用听写。 Hints:本期60个单词。
chaos clutter equilibrium density liquid dilute dehydrate declivity foam ventilation evaporate evaporation thermodynamics friction attrition chafe resonance echo ultrasonics sonar accoustic band charge electricity electromagnet electromagnetism electronic electronics amplifier battery chip conductor insulator magnet magnetism semiconductor transistor ultraviolet microwave mechanics gravitation oscillation statics relativity velocity dynamics force current accelerate acceleration transparent opaque translucent optical optics ray spectrum wavelength magnifier lens
chaos 混乱 disorder Chaos broke out when the fire alarm went off. "clutter 混乱 使混乱 litter, disarray" My office is filled with useless clutter. equilibrium 平衡状态 balance The gymnast has perfect equilibrium. density 密度 The population density is very high in Hong Kong. liquid 液体 "The three phases of matter are solid, liquid and gas." "dilute 稀释 冲淡 thin, weaken" "As the ice melted, it diluted my drink." dehydrate 使脱水 dry (de去除+hydrate水合物) Her body had dehydrated dangerously with the heat. declivity 下倾的斜面 "foam 泡沫 bubble, froth" ventilation 通风 airing,air circulation evaporate 蒸发 vaporize (e+vapor蒸汽+ate) The rubbing alcohol(外用酒精) evaporated as soon as the nurse dabbed it on the parient's arm. evaporation 蒸发 thermodynamics 热力学 friction 摩擦 The wheel has been expired due to friction. attrition 磨损 wear and tear chafe 擦热 rub,scrape Coarse fabric will chafe your skin. resonance 回声 反响 (re反复+son声音+ance) The opera singer's voice has very good resonance. echo 回声 回音 回波 ultrasonics 超音波学 sonar 声纳 声波定位仪 accoustic 音响的 band 波段 stripe "charge 电荷 充电v fill, replenish" electricity 电流 电 电学 static electricity 静电 electromagnet 电磁石 electronagnetism 电磁 电磁学 electronic 电子的 electronic component 电子 元件 electronics 电子学 amplifier 扩音器 放大器 battery 电池 dry battery 干电池 chip 芯片 conductor 导体 insulator 绝缘体 绝热器 magnet 磁体 磁铁 magnetism 磁 磁力 吸引力 磁学 semiconductor 半导体 transistor 晶体管 ultraviolet 紫外线的 紫外的 紫外线辐射 microwave 微波 (波长1mm-30cm) mechanics (作为单数)机械学 力学 (作为复 数)技巧 结构 gravitation 地心吸力 引力作用 oscillation 摆动 振动 statics 静力学 relativity 相对性 相对性 相对论 velocity 速度 速率 dynamics 动力学 force 力 current (液体、气体的)流 direct current直流 电 alternating current 交流电 accelerate 加速 增速 进行 expedite speed The car accelerated as it went downhill. acceleration 加速度 "transparent 透明的 clear, limpid" The sunset shined through the transparent glass. opaque 不透明物 不透明的 不传热的 translucent 半透明的 透明的 optical 眼的 视力的 光学的 optical fiber 光 纤 optics 光学 ray 光线 Gammar rays 伽马射线 infrared rays 红外线 X rays X射线 spectrum 光 光谱 型谱 频谱 wavelength 波长 magnifier 放大镜 放大器 lens 透镜 镜头