450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Radio South West Sue David Jobspot £ [/color]
Hi. You're listening to Radio South West. The best in the south west for music and up-to-the-minute news. Sue's here. Hello, Sue. Hello, David. And we've got the Jobspot for you today. So, if you're unemployed or looking for a new job, this could be the spot for you. So, let's have a look, see what we've got today. How about an engineer? You must be experienced for this job, at least two years experience in this field and the pay will be agreed. So that will depend on experience. The hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday, and Saturday 8:45 am to 4 pm. So that's hours 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday, and Saturday 8:45 am to 4 pm an engineer. How about you, Sue, what have you got? Right, David. Well, the first one we've got is a cook. That's in a large, busy restaurant, so it's very useful to have had experience in large-scale cooking. The age is around 25 or so and the pay is £5 an hour. So that's not bad, is it? The hours are good too. That's Monday to Friday, 3:00 till 6:30. Great, thanks, Sue.
你好,欢迎收听South West之声,在South West最好的是音乐节目和最新的咨询。我旁边的是Sue,你好Sue。 你好,David。 我们今天为各位准备了Jobspot节目。如果你被解雇了,或者正在找一份新的工作,这个可能就是你要面对的场合。现在,让我们来看看今天我们有什么工作职位。经理这个职位怎么样呢?你肯定对这个工作很有经验,在这个领域至少有两年的工作经验,而且工资也会是你所想的。这个是由工作经验所决定的。工作时间是周一到周五8:30到下午5点,星期六的8:45到下午4点。因此经理的工作时间就是周一到周五8:30到下午5点,星期六的8:45到下午4点。Sue,你得到的职位是什么呢? 嗯,David,我们第一个得到的职位是厨师。这是一个很大,很多人去的一个餐馆,所以它很需要一个很有经验的大厨。年龄是25岁左右,时薪是5英镑听起来也不错,是吧?工作时间也不错,周一到周五3:00到6:00. 好的,谢谢Sue。