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The last thing is to visualise. Visualising is seeing something in your mind. I see. To visualise means to close our eyes and try to picture the things we want to remember. Yes, try to picture how they go together. When you visualise the facts it will help you remember them. That's very interesting. I haven't done this before. I'll try it next time and see how it goes. Now we have gone through the three steps to prepare your memory. There are the three steps you should follow to memorise any set of facts. Tell me more about these steps. You know that to memorise means to fix something firmly in your memory. One way is to recite the facts over and over again, until you can recall them all easily. Do you recite the things you want to memorise? Yes, I often read the new vocabularies out loud and try to memorise them. That's a good way to remember things. Tell me how do you recite things? Well, first I write the facts in a list, then I begin to say the facts over and over again till I can remember them. The one thing I find most difficult for me is to remember either the beginning or the end of the list.
最后就是想象。想象的意思是在你脑海里能看见这东西。 嗯嗯,我知道,想象就是闭上我们的眼睛,在脑海里尝试描绘我们想要记住的事情。 是的,尝试描绘它们是怎么联系在一起的。当你想象事情的时候,它会帮助你记忆。 听上去很有趣,我以前没有试过,下次我试试看,看看效果怎么样。 我们已经讨论了准备记忆的三个步骤。现在,你要跟着下边三个步骤来记忆任何事情。 告诉我更多关于这三个步骤的事情。 你知道,记忆就是使某件事深刻地印在你的脑海里。第一种办法就是不断地朗读,知道你能够非常容易地想起它们。你记忆的时候会朗读你想要记的内容吗? 会的,我经常大声地朗读生词,然后尝试记住它们。 朗读是很好的记忆刚发。告诉我你是怎么背诵的? 嗯,首先我会把事情列在一个表里,然后我会不断地重复叙说这些事情,直到我记住它们。对于我来说,我觉得最难的是记住开头的内容或者是结尾的内容。