450)=450"> 本文选自雅思听力Section 4,难度较大 Summary:本节是一个研究人员对于所进行的关于医疗体系的研究的陈述。她通过不同国家的研究生用调查问卷的方式进行研究,而且只调查18岁以上且正在工作的男性。研究的群体月集中,结果就越精确。在调查中确实获取了很多有趣的信息。 HINTS Grant 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便
Certainly I will need to do more far-reaching research than I had anticipated in order to establish if people want extra medical staff invested in the community, or if they want care to revert to fewer, but larger, key medical units. The solution may well be something that can be easily implemented by those responsible in local government, with central government support of course. This first stage has proved very valuable though. I was surprised by how willing most of the subjects were to get involved in the project. I had expected some unwillingness to answer questions honestly. But I was taken aback and rather concerned that something I thought I'd set up very well didn't necessarily seem that way to everyone in my own department. I thought you might also be interested in some of the problems I encountered in collecting my data. There were odd cases that threw me, one of the subjects who I had approached while he was out shopping in town, decided to pull out when it came to the second round. It was a shame as it was someone who I would like to have interviewed more closely.