450)=450"> <听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> Ted:Hey, guess what?Oh, sorry. Robin:It's only my mom.She's just rambling on like always.What happened? Ted:Marshall asked out a girl. Robin:Wow.Well, if anything,that's Dad's fault.That'll keep her going a while. Ted:Oh, of course, you know,he had a little help. Robin:Swarley hooked him up? Ted:Oh,good. You got my text. Robin:Yeah. Ted:Oh. No, it was me.I gave Marshall one of my secrets.So,what she say? Marshall:Nothing.I don't think she heard me.It's pretty busy up there. Ted:What? You gave her the look right?________ ,head slightly tilted,conveying shy vulnerability. Marshall:I think so.Look, can we just go? Waiter:Pumpkin latte for Marshall. Marshall:I didn't order that.Phone number! 【听写回顾】点击回顾上一期听写»
Head down,eyes looking up,hands in pockets,shoulders up
Ted:Hey,知道吗?噢,对不起。 Robin:只是我妈妈,她只是像往常一样滔滔不绝,怎么了? Ted:马修有约会了。 Robin:(对着电话)是的,都是爸爸的错。 这样可以让她说上一阵子了。 Ted:噢,当然是这样。你知道吗有人帮了他一把。 Robin:斯华利帮他? Ted:你抢了我的台词, Robin:是的。 Ted:事实上是我帮了他一把,我传授给马修一个诀窍。 Ted:她怎么说 Marshall:什么也没说。她肯定没听见我的话,她那么忙。 Ted:什么?你摆对姿势了?低垂着头,眼睛向上,手插在口袋里 耸耸肩,再微微抬起头,含情脉脉,欲言又止。 Marshall:应该是吧。我们还是走吧。 Waiter:马修的南瓜拿铁咖啡。 Marshall:我没点那个,电话号码!