同是天涯沦落人啊~~惺惺相惜的两人... 发现Caroline真的是长大成熟了好多好多... 450)=450"> 老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... 注意咯!今天的有点长,大家要耐心哈~前三空有两句话,第四空只有一句,第五空有四句哈~注意缩写,还有okay~
-Caroline: You know what? This sounds crazy, but alcohol helps. Or at least it helps me. You know, with all that inside jittery stuff. -Tyler: I'm hot. It's like my skin is on fire. -Caroline: Really? I never had any of that. Guess wolves are different. ________1_________ -Tyler: I have that. How can you be a vampire? -Caroline: How can you be a werewolf? -Tyler: Who else is like you? -Caroline: Just me. It's a really long story, we can share another time. Uh, how many other werewolves are there? -Tyler: Just me. And my uncle Mason, but he left town. -Caroline: Look, Tyler...______2_______ -Tyler: I know. -Caroline: I want to tell you about my mom and yours and the founding families and the council. _______3_______ -Tyler: ______4_______ I'm sorry about earlier. It's just... ________5________ -Caroline: Tyler. No, it's all right. 能拿高高的正确率、多多的沪元、还能听到纯正的美语、回忆当年看吸血鬼日记的点点滴滴、又学习了英语,多好的节目丫!快来订阅吧! 吸血鬼迷们创建的群:111354855,欢迎喜爱该剧的沪友加入哈~~
At the beginning, I was very, very emotional. Everything was heightened. You can't tell anyone, okay, not about you, not about me. No one will understand. But I need you to promise me no one will find out about us. This is life and death, Tyler. I have no one else to tell. I'm alone with this. It's gonna happen to me. On the next full moon, I'm gonna turn, and I won't be able to stop it. I'm scared.
-Caroline:这听起来很疯狂,但喝点酒很有用,至少对我有用。它能缓解紧张。jittery: 神经过敏的;战战兢兢的;紧张不安的 -Tyler:我热死了,皮肤好像要烧起来。 -Caroline:真的吗? 我从没有这样的感觉。可能狼是不一样,刚开始我非常情绪化,总是过于激动。 -Tyler:我有这样的感觉,你怎么会是吸血鬼? -Caroline:你怎么会是狼人? -Tyler:还有谁跟你一样? -Caroline:只有我,说来话长。我们可以改天再谈。呃还有谁是狼人? -Tyler:只有我,还有我叔叔 Mason。但是他离开这儿了 -Caroline:听着 Tyler... 你不能告诉任何人。你的事和我的事都不能说。没人能接受的。 -Tyler:我知道 -Caroline:我想告诉你有关我家和你家,还有创始人理事会的事。但你要向我保证,不能让任何人知道,这关乎生死 Tyler。 -Tyler:我又能告诉谁?先前的事我很抱歉,我只是... 无法独自面对这一切。下个月圆之夜我就会变身。可我无能为力,我很害怕。 -Caroline:嘿 Tyler没事的。