XMzcxMDc1OTQw/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> S: Good night. M: Wait, Spencer.      1    S: No. It's late, and I'm tired. M: I know about you and Ian. He told me everything, the thing you two had when we were broken up.     2    S: Did he tell you anything else about that summer? M:      3    S: I think he's dangerous. M: And I think you need help.      4    S: You know what, Melissa? M: Spencer, I don't want to fight.      5    I've been a little hormonal lately, and I guess I should tell you. S: Tell me what? M: We're pregnant. This is where you say, "congratulations. " Good night, sis. 【这是新的美少女谎言节目,每天下午3点更新】 450)=450">【美少女谎言】的节目,欢迎订阅~
Can we talk about earlier? I can't hold that against you. Whatever it is you're holding onto, it's got to stop. You keep wanting what I have. I realize that I lost my temper earlier, and I'm sorry.
S:晚上好 M:Spencer,等下,我们能谈下我们之前谈过的吗 S:不行,太晚了,我也很困 M:你和Ian 的事情我知道了,他把所有的都告诉我了,我们分手时你们俩做的事情。我不能不因为这个对你有意见 S:关于那个夏天,他还告诉你其他事情了吗 M:不管你抓住了什么,是时候应该停止了 S:我认为他现在很危险 M:我认为你现在需要帮助,我有的,你一直想得到 S:Melissa,你知道什么啊 M:Spencer,我不想吵架,我知道我容易发脾气,很抱歉,我已经有点激动,我想我应该告诉你 S:告诉我什么 M:我们有孩子了。这个时间,你是不是应该说“祝贺你”。晚安,sis ——译文来自: q360151728