
本身生性开朗乐观的中学教师帕特(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)回家撞见老婆出轨后因精神创伤被父母送进医院进行精神治疗。出院后帕特回到父母家与父母同住,在父亲(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)与母亲(杰基·韦佛 Jacki Weave r 饰)的过度关怀下不免觉得压抑。选段中,Pat的爸爸用他的全部积蓄和别人打赌,Pat要在舞蹈比赛中达到5分同时老鹰队要获胜。而最后他们都做到了~同时,Pat已经知道以前的信都是Tiffany写给他的,他们互相表白,最终幸福的在一起了。


Host:Alright, let's see the scores for solatano and Maxwell. We have a four point nine, four eight, a four nine...

One dancer:That's really too bad, guys. That's a lot of fours.

Host:And and a five point four for an average score of.. Five point zero.

One dancer:Sorry about that, guys.

Pat:Dad, dad, did the eagles win?

Pat's Father:The eagles won, forty-four-six! They won, forty-four-six!

Pat:Come on!

Host:Why are they so excited about a five?

Pat:How are you? You okay?

Pat's Father:Good. How are you?

Pat:I'm really good. Yeah, thanks.

Pat's Father:You looked really happy out there.

Pat:Did I?

Pat's Father:Yeah. Yeah, who'd have thought, dancing? You look incredible.

Pat:Thank you.

Pat's Father:You lost a lot of weight.

Pat:I've been reading your books and, I have a positive attitude. I'm on medication, I'm in therapy. Where's Tiffany?

Pat's Father:She left.

Pat:What do you mean, she left?

Pat's Father:She left. What do you think!

Pat:Where is she?

Pat's Father:Let me tell you, I know you don't wanna listen to your father, I didn't listen to mine but I'm telling you, you gotta pay attention to the signs. When life reaches out with a moment like this, it's a sin if you don't reach back. I'm telling you, it's a sin if you don't reach back, and it'll haunt you for the rest of your days like a curse. You're facing a big challenge in your life right now, at this very moment, right here. That girl loves you, she really loves you. And I don't know if Nikki ever did, but she sure as hell doesn't love you right now. I'm telling you, don't fuck this up.

Pat:I love you, dad. Hey! 

Tiffany:Would you just leave me alone?!

Pat:Wait a second! I have one more letter for you to read, okay?

Tiffany:What the fuck is the matter with you? Give it to her yourself!

Pat:Let me say something. You don't ever have to see me again if you just read it, alright?

Tiffany:This is so fucked up.

Pat:Yeah, just read it.

Tiffany:“Dear Tiffany...I know you wrote the letter. The only way you could meet my crazy... ”

Pat:“...was by doing something crazy yourself. Thank you. I love you. I knew it the minute I met you. I'm sorry it took so long for me to catch up. I just got stuck. Pat. ” I wrote that a week ago.

Tiffany:You wrote that a week ago?

Pat:Yes, I did.

Tiffany:You let me lie to you for a week?

Pat:I was trying to be romantic.

Tiffany:You love me?

Pat:Yeah, I do.


(They kissed)