These days, it seems that an alarm clock can't just make a noise at a given time in order to wake us up: We sleep too deeply, and in too-comfortable beds to just pop right up and into our slacks when we hear a set of chimes.

A new app for Android called "Sleep If U Can" addresses this modern conundrum in a creative way: It's an alarm clock that will not stop ringing until you are physically out of bed, at a location in your home, taking a photo of a given item.

Here's how it works: When you first download the app, Sleep If U Can asks you to photograph a bunch of different locations or items in your home (locations or items, it is important to note, that are not so close to your bed that you can just roll over, snap a pic, and then collapse back onto your drool pillow).
这款闹钟的工作原理是这样的:你下载好应用,Sleep If U Can会要求你给家中各处的物品拍一堆照片。(这里要说明的是,最好是那些离床比较远的位置或物品,不至于你翻身就能看到,拍完照片还能滚回床上抱着枕头继续睡。)

Then, each time your alarm goes off afterwards, Sleep If U Can shows you a different photograph: Your alarm will keep sounding until you maneuver your sleepy carcass to that spot and take an identical picture with your smartphone's camera.
然后,每次闹钟响起的时候,Sleep If U Can就会给你展示不同的照片,只有你拖着昏昏欲睡的步伐,走到相同的位置用手机摄像头拍摄一张一模一样的照片才行,否则会闹钟一直响下去。

Once the app detects a photographic match, the shrill alarm will cease, at which point you should be awake.