Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Rebekah (Claire Holt) just had one of the hottest hookups in The Vampire Diaries history, and The CW has released a new poster that promises more where that came from.

The show’s chief love triangle has obviously always been Stefan-Elena-Damon, but apparently there’s a new combo in the works, because the poster features Stefan, Rebekah, and Elena, and the tagline reads “An unlikely threesome.”

Rebekah is directly in front Stefan, while Elena stands apart from the other two, which makes sense considering the hints we’ve seen of continuing cuteness between Stefan and Rebekah, and Elena’s jealousy over their relationship.

On second thought, is it Elena or is it Katherine? The hair, always the chief distinction between the doppelgangers, seems a little more Katherine than Elena. Julie Plec has teased a possible Katherine return, and if there’s anyone who would be more jealous than Elena about Stefan and Rebekah, it’s her.