

Kim Bauer, 24 (2001–10)
金·鲍尔 《24小时》(2001-10)

They called her 'Cougar Trap'. The hapless teenage daughter of terrorist fighter Jack Bauer on 24, Kim Bauer had a never-ending series of misadventures that kept distracting our hero from saving Los Angeles. Most infamously, a season 2 nature trek resulted in Kim getting caught in, yes, a cougar trap, then nearly eaten by the very animal the trap was meant to catch. Apparently the cougar was smarter than she was.




Nikki and Paulo, Lost (2006–07)
Nikki和Paulo 《迷失》(2006-07)

There's a reason some characters are relegated to the background. When Lost writers decided to bring two of the also-crasheds to the forefront, no one could have predicted how grating the pair's whiny inanity would become. Only 11 episodes after their debut, Nikki and Paulo were unceremoniously buried alive in a particularly gruesome (and satisfying) bit of fan service.



Janice Litman, Friends (1994–2004)
贾尼斯·利特曼 《老友记》(1994-2004年)

If irritation could be tapped as a fuel source, our reaction to Janice's laugh could power a midsize city. The curly-haired cackler ruined any number of events in the Friends' lives, popping up throughout Chandler's courtship of and marriage to Monica, and even crowding into Rachel's hospital room when they went into labor at the same time.



April Kepner, Grey's Anatomy (2009-2012)
April Kepner《实习医生格蕾》(2009-2012)

I will admit, April's lightened up a little this season, but a few episodes of sympathetic behavior can't erase the painful memories of Seattle Grace. Becoming chief resident hasn't made her any less insecure or shrill; instead, she's risen to new heights of boring. Nauseatingly innocent and a self-righteous killjoy, April seems to have existed solely for the purpose of making everyone else on Grey's Anatomy look worlds more interesting.



Susan Mayer-Delfino, Desperate Housewives (2004–2012)
Susan Mayer-Delfino《绝望的主妇》(2004-2012年)

To get to the core of why Susan is a nuisance, one need look no further than the helpless shrubbery of Wisteria Lane. Susan found herself there — naked — way back in season 1. It was 'zany and adorable' at the time. And then, while people were dying left and right, Susan continued to find herself in similarly ludicrous approximation of that character-defining stunt for seven more seasons.



Henry Mills, Once Upon a Time (2011-present)
Henry Mills 《童话镇》

To be fair, Henry's screen time has drastically decreased as Once's freshman year has progressed — and absence makes the heart grow fonder. But throughout the first half of the season, the precocious kid drove viewers up a wall with his exposition-heavy dialogue and penchant for stating the obvious.



Georgina Sparks, Gossip Girl (2008-present)
Georgina Sparks 绯闻女孩(2008年至今)

In season 1, Georgina was a welcomed challenger to Queen B Blair Waldorf. But these days, Georgina doesn't seem to have gotten the memo that her once-foes have moved on to adulthood — and so should she.
