
著名导演李安所执导的3D史诗巨作《少年派的奇幻漂流》自上映以来好评如潮,电影中的处处细节也成为观众讨论热议的话题。电影中的两位主角:少年Pi 和老虎Ricard Parker,他们的名字其实大有深意,来听小编一一道来:

1. 少年Pi:无穷无尽的圆周率π

男主的全名是派西尼·莫利托·帕特尔(Piscine Molitor Patel),取自法国巴黎的一家游泳池之名。少年的名字中,在法语中表示“游泳池” 的Piscine 英语发音却与pissing “小便” 非常相似,所以在学校的时候总是会招来同学们的嘲笑。聪明的少年就想到取出自己名字中的前两个字母,把自己的名字改成了“派”(Pi),也就是数学符号的圆周率π。

The number π is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. The constant, sometimes written pi, is approximately equal to 3.14159.



We need storytelling. Otherwise life just goes on and on, like the number Pi.

2. 老虎Richard Parker:逃不开的吃人船难事件

和少年Pi 一起经历海上冒险的是一只叫Richard Parker 的孟加拉虎,根据小说原作者扬·马特尔的描述,这个名字出自美国推理小说家爱伦·坡的长篇小说《阿·戈·皮姆的故事》。在这部小说中,Richard Parker 是捕鲸船“逆戟鲸号”(Grampus)上的一个叛变水手。这艘船在一场风暴中遇难之后,理查德·帕克提出由抽签决定牺牲谁以维持其他人的生命,结果他被抽中,成为其他三个幸存者的食物。

除此之外,这个名字还总是与一些海难事故联系在一起。1846年,一起沉船事件中就有一位叫 Richard Parker 的遇难者。Richard Parker 还是一起真实吃人船难事件中17岁主人公的名字。1884年Mignonette号沉没,四名船员被困在南大西洋,除了三名机组人员,还有个名叫理查德·帕克的17岁男仆。在茫茫的海上漂流中,三名成年船员理性泯灭,杀死了理查德·帕克,分食他的肉因此得以生还。

这些理查德·帕克身上的巧合有着一定的意义,在英语一些语境下,Richard Parker “理查德·帕克” 常和海难联系在一起,意味着漂流和自相残杀。

In reality, Martel named the tiger after a character from Edgar Allan Poe's nautical adventure novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838). However, there were a number of other men named Richard Parker who are relevant to Martel's choice, and that are linked to tales of cannibalism by shipwrecked sailors. Such tales abounded in the 18th and 19th centuries.

In January 1846, a second ship named "Francis Spaight" sank, and took a man named Richard Parker down with it.

In 1884, 46 years after Poe's novel was published, a new shipwreck shared many similarities with that story: after the sinking of their yacht Mignonette on the way to Australia, Captain Tom Dudley and three sailors were stranded in a dinghy in the Pacific Ocean. They believed they had no choice but to eat one of the party to survive. The victim was a 17-year-old cabin boy named Richard Parker.

