第18课:慷慨大方的 - 10


A: How is he as a speaker?
B: As a speaker, he is generous with his words. He speaks profusely on all topics and does not look at the clock.

A: 作为一个演讲者,他怎么样?
B: 作为一个演讲者,他很能说,每个话题都能侃侃而谈,丝毫不在意时间。


A: Did Sam pay his share of the check?
B: He paid his share and then some.
A: That was big of him.

A: Sam付他的那部分帐单了吗?
B: 付了,还多付了一些。
A: 他还挺大方的。


generous: 慷慨的,大方的。
profusely: 慷慨的,极其丰富的。
check: 餐馆帐单。
big: 这里指慷慨大方。